Monday, October 14, 2013

Today's mani: a mani of many names

Good evening everyone! I'm still fighting this cold (it's moved from my throat to my nose, ick) but I gathered the energy to do my nails today. I didn't have a very strong vision for how I wanted this to look; I just played around with doing little splotches of different colors in a vaguely gradient-like fashion (yellow-green in the middle and blue-green and black towards the edges).

Since I didn't know what to call this mani, I asked for help from my friends in the nail thread at Something Awful. Kirby at The Mercurial Magpie suggested "Rainbow Camo", while Andrea of Indigo Bananas preferred "Parrot in a Blender" (vivid imagery!). I also got the suggestions "Jumble in the Jungle" and "La Grande Jatte" after this pointillist painting.

What do you think? Does it remind you of anything?