Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy belated "birthday" Trudy [50th post!]

The other day I noticed Trudy was looking a bit mopey, and I suddenly realized we had forgotten to celebrate the second anniversary of her adoption (August 5)! So I'm publicly apologizing and presenting her with this lovely PNG I made all by myself.

We don't know when her actual birthday is, but her adoption day is more important anyway--it marks the day we brought our new best friend into our family. We've had two years of cuddles, kisses and playtime, and we're looking forward to many more!

On a less sappy note, this is my 50th post on the blog! I know it's not very impressive compared to all the big successful blogs, but I'm glad that I've been motivated to keep on posting. It's been a lot of fun so far, and I think it's just going to get better and better!

(Also, note to self: post more cute Trudy pics!)

1 comment:

  1. I missed this post, but HAPPY BELATED, Trudy! Wanna squish that pibble! I'm glad to see you keep posting- always happy when they pop up in my feed!
