Whoa, can you believe it's June already? 2015 is almost half over, you guys. Although I will be happy when the days start getting shorter again, since right now the sun wakes us up at around 5:30!
Anyway, today I've got my top lemmings from last month (visit my Pinterest board to see the rest). As always, be sure to go read the original reviews for more info!
1. Dance Legend - Map of Scars
Have you seen these weird new textured polishes that Dance Legend has come up with? I feel like they completely slipped under the radar, but I think they're super interesting! When they dry they develop this wrinkled pattern. I really want to see this in real life! (Dance Legend shop | swatch by Marine Loves Polish)
2. Powder Perfect - Borders of the Forest
This one has a lot going on, but it's still very moody and toned-down. Definitely makes me think of a haunted forest! (Powder Perfect shop | swatch by The Nail Polish Project)
3. Femme Fatale - Lantern Waste
OK, I'll be honest, I could NOT pick a favorite from the White Witch collection. So you're going to have to go look at all of them! Femme Fatale has been hitting it out of the park this year--great combos of textures that you wouldn't expect together, and some very magical colors. (Femme Fatale shop | swatch by Very Emily)
4. Lacquer Lust - Son of a Beachin' Unicorn
Love this unexpected combo--delicate holo fairy dust then WHAM! neon glitter. Clever and fun. (Lacquer Lust shop | swatch by Very Emily)
5. Reverie Nail Lacquer - Berry Sorbet
Another happy glitter mix from Reverie! This really screams summer to me, even without any neon. (Reverie Nail Lacquer shop | swatch by The Mercurial Magpie)
Honorable mention: Dollish Polish - You Are a Product of Fear
What stunning polishes!